
ERVsearch is a pipeline for identification of endogenous retrovirus like regions in a host genome, based on sequence similarity to known retroviruses.

ERVsearch screens for endogenous retrovirus (ERV) like regions in any FASTA file using the Exonerate algorithm (Slater and Birney, 2005, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-6-31).

  • In the Screen section, open reading frames (ORFs) resembling retroviral gag, pol and env genes are identified based on their level of similarity to a database of known complete or partial retroviral ORFs.

  • In the Classify section, these ORFs are classified into groups based on a database of currently classified retroviruses and phylogenetic trees are built.

  • In the ERVRegions section, regions with ORFs resembling more than one retroviral gene are identified.

This is a updated and expanded version of the pipeline used to identify ERVs in Brown and Tarlinton 2017 (doi: 10.1111/mam.12079), Brown et al. 2014 (doi: 10.1128/JVI.00966-14), Brown et al. 2012 (doi: j.virol.2012.07.010) and Tarlinton et al. 2012 (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2012.08.011). The original version is available here as a Perl pipeline and was written by Dr Richard Emes.

  1. Prerequisites

  2. Installation

  3. Quick Start

  4. Pipeline Description

  5. Input Files

  6. Usage

  7. Parameters

  8. Functions

  9. Main Output Files

  10. Minor Output Files


The pipeline is currently available for Unix-based systems only.

The ERVsearch pipeline requires the following freely available software. All packages are available via pip and easy_install

Python 3.5+ with the following packages:

The following commonly used software needs to be installed and in your $PATH

The following software also needs to be installed


The latest release of ERVsearch is available via pip3.

pip3 install ERVsearch

Alternatively, if you prefer to install directly, the latest release can be downloaded from Github.

The latest (beta) version can also be cloned from github

git clone

No compliation is required, just add the ERVsearch directory to your path or use the full path to ERVsearch/ERVsearch. If installed using pip you should be able to call ERVsearch directly.

Quick Start

After cloning the repository, the program can be used as is (with the above prerequisites installed).

  1. Make a copy of the pipeline.ini file (ERVsearch/templates/pipeline.ini or here) in your working directory (the directory in which you would like to store the output).

  2. Download a local copy of your genome (or other sequence) of interest as a single FASTA file.

  3. Edit your copy of pipeline.ini to configure the pipeline for your computer:

  • Add the path to the genome you want to screen (the fasta file in step 2) to the genome section e.g. hg38.fa saved in /home/myname/genome/hg38.fa would require the following options:

  • Add the paths to usearch and exonerate to the paths section e.g.

  • Run the pipeline in your working directory as:

ERVsearch --target_tasks full -v5

Pipeline Description

The pipeline is designed to identify regions resembling retroviral gag, pol and env genes in a genome (or other set of sequences) and to perform various analyses on these regions.

It is divided into three sections:


function documentation

  • Screens the genome for ERV like regions by comparing the genome to a set of known retroviral ORFs using Exonerate.

  • Confirms the Exonerate regions using UBLAST

  • Finds and confirms ORFs within these regions

  • Finds the most similar known retroviral ORF in the database to each of the newly identified ORFs


function documentation

  • Classifies the newly identified ORFs into groups based on the most similar known ORF

  • Aligns the newly identified ORFs with reference sequences within these groups and builds a phylogenetic tree for each group.

  • Finds clusters of newly identified ORFs within these trees

  • Incorporates representative sequences from these clusters into a summary tree for each retroviral gene and genus (based on classification into gamma, beta, spuma, alpha, lenti, epsilon and delta retroviruses as definied by the ICTV (


function documentation

  • Identifies regions of the genome containing ORFs resembling more than one different retroviral gene within a certain distance

All functions in all sections are described in detail in the functions section.

Input Files

Required Input Files

1: FASTA file to screen for ERVs

The main input file is sequence file in FASTA format containing DNA sequences from the genome which you wish to screen for ERV-like regions. This would usually be a reference or de novo assembled genome but can be any set of DNA sequences.

Reference genome sequences are available from Ensembl and UCSC (amongst others).

To be used as an input file, the reference genome needs to be contained in a single FASTA file.

For Ensembl genomes, this would usually be the GENOMEID.dna.toplevel.fa.gzfile from the “download DNA sequence” page for the appropriate organism, substituting GENOMEID for the genome ID (e.g. GRCh38)

For UCSC genomes this would be GENOMEID.fa.gz from the bigZips directory for this organism on the FTP server, substituting GENOMEID for the genome ID (e.g. hg38)

It is possible to use a gzipped or zipped file, in which case the filename needs to end with .gz or .zip respectively.

2: pipeline.ini file

This file is a configuration file in ini format containing the parmeters you wish to use. This file needs to be in your working directory - the folder in which you wish to run ERVsearch.

A template pipeline.ini file should be used and edited - this file is available as ERVsearch/templates/pipeline.ini or here

Options specified as !? are required, all others have a default value.

Required parameters

Optional parameters

Optional Input Files

Custom Databases

By default, ERVsearch will use the provided database of 774 ERV nucleotide sequences and corresponding amino acid sequences as a query against the provided genome. This database is designed to be representative of known retroviruses and to identify the majority of ERVs. However, a more specific custom database can also be provided and used for the initial screen.

To do this, the database_use_custom_db parameter in the pipeline.ini can be set to True. The query sequences should be stored as FASTA files of amino acid sequences, with one file per retroviral gene. Only gag, pol and env genes are currently supported. Very short sequences (less than ~100 amino acids) should be avoided where possible. The paths to these files are then specified in the database section of the pipeline.ini



Currently, custom databases are only used for the initial Exonerate screen and UBLAST check, after this all classification based steps will use the default databases, as these sequences have been classified into subgroups for phylogenetic analysis.

Sequence List


A list of chromosome names to include. The names should the names in the fasta file cropped at the first space, e.g. “NW_006711271.1 Panthera tigris altaica isolate TaeGuk unplaced genomic scaffold” should just be listed as NW_006711271.1. The names should be listed with one name per line, are case sensitive and need to be identical to those in the fasta file. This file needs to be named keep_chroms.txt and in the working directory.


Several sets of reference sequences are provided as part of this package.

For each retroviral gene (gag, pol and env), a representative set of retroviral open reading frames has been selected from NCBI Genbank and various publications.

These files are provided as:

ERVsearch/ERV_db/gag.fasta - gag gene amino acid sequences
ERVsearch/ERV_db/pol.fasta - pol gene amino acid sequences
ERVsearch/ERV_db/env.fasta - env gene amino acid sequences
ERVsearch/ERV_db/all_ERVs_nt.fasta - all ORFs as nucleotide sequences ERVsearch/ERV_db/all_ERVs_aa.fasta - all ORFs as amino acid sequences

A number of subsets of sequences are also provided to use in phylogenetic analysis.

These are:


Small groups of nucleotide sequences from the ORF database which are closely related, selected manually as representatives of these groups based on prior knowledge, sequence similarity and phylogenetic analysis. Newly identified sequences are assigned to these groups where possible.


Broader groups of nucleotide sequences from the ORF database for each gene (gag, pol and env) and each genus (gamma, beta, delta, alpha, epsilon, lenti and spuma). Newly identified sequences are incorporated into phylogenetic trees based on these sequences, plus more closely related sequences from the group_phylogenies fasta files.

Two addtional files are also provided:


Table showing the group each reference sequence belongs to.


Table providing the name of an appropriate outgroup for each phylogeny.

If you want to see these files (ERVsearch will locate them automatically for internal use), then if you are using a clone of the git repository, database files can be found in ERVsearch/ERV_db and ERVsearch/phylogenies. If you installed using pip, they will be in the same location in the ERVsearch directory in your python site-packages directory.


Running the Pipeline

The pipeline is implemented using the pipeline development package ruffus, (Goodstadt 2010, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq524).

To run the full pipeline, the following command is used:

ERVsearch --target_tasks full

If the pipeline stops or fails at any point, it will restart from after the previous fully completed step (based on the presence of the output files from this step). If the output of an earlier step in the pipeline has a more recent timestamp than the output of a later step, the later step will be rerun.

Sections of the pipeline can be run as follows:

ERVsearch --target_tasks Screen

Screen with Exonerate and check the results with UBLAST, find ORFs and find the most similar known retroviral ORF.

ERVsearch --target_tasks Classify

Run the Screen steps and then sort the sequences into subgroups, build phylogenetic trees for these groups and a summary tree for each gene and genus.

ERVsearch --target_tasks ERVRegions

Run the Screen steps and then find regions with ORFs resembling more than one retroviral gene in close proximity.

ERVsearch --target_tasks full

Run all the above sections.

You can also run the pipeline up until any specific function - any function name can be provided for the target_tasks parameter.

For example to run up until the end of the function classifyWithExonerate, use the following command.

ERVsearch --target_tasks classifyWithExonerate

All functions prior to this function will run if needed.


The pipeline is paralellised to run jobs simultaneously where possible. To do this, set the parameter--jobs N in the command line, where N is the number of CPUs available on your machine. e.g.

ERVsearch --target_tasks full --jobs 8

This would run on 8 CPUs

If running on a high performance cluster, it is recommended to use a single node and set --jobs to the number of cores available on that node.


Ruffus verbosity is set using the -v parameter from 1 to 10. The recommended setting for ERvsearch is -v 5, however this needs to be specified to override the ruffus default of 1.


ERVsearch --target_tasks full -v 5

Main Output Files

The main output files produced are as follows. Many additional output files are generated, these are described here.


Table showing the ORFs identified with Exonerate and verified with UBLAST which meet the requirements specified in the pipeline.ini file. Columns are as follows:

  • name
    Name assigned to the region consisting of the ID, chromosome, start and end positions

  • match
    The most similar reference ORF to this ORF identified in the ERVsearch/ERV_db database using the ungapped Exonerate algorithm.

  • perc_identity
    The percentage identity between this sequence and the most similar reference ORF, based on the UBLAST output.

  • *alignment_length
    The length of the alignment of this sequence and the most similar reference ORF, based on the UBLAST output.

  • evalue
    The UBLAST e-value of the alignment of this sequence and the most similar reference ORF.

  • bit_score
    The UBLAST bit score of the alignment of this sequence and the most similar reference ORF.

  • ID
    ID assigned to this ORF

  • chrom
    Chromosome (or scaffold, contig or sequence) on which this ORF was identified.

  • start
    Start position of this ORF on the chromosome.

  • end
    End position of this ORF on the chromosome.

  • strand
    Positive sense (+) or negative sense (+)

  • group
    Local group to which the most similar reference ORF belongs. If the reference ORF is not in a group, this is genus_gene.

  • genus
    Genus to which the most similar reference ORF belongs.

  • length
    ORF length in nucleotides.

  • gene
    Retroviral gene - gag, pol or env.

Histograms of ORF lengths (in nucleotides) based on the results.tsv table, for the gag, pol and env genes.

Bar charts showing the number of ORFs identified for each genus and gene based on the results.tsv table.

Bar charts showing the number of ORFs identified in each small subgroup of reference sequences for each retroviral gene. ORFs assigned as genus_gene were related to a reference sequence which is not in a smaller subgroup, based on the results.tsv table.

Bar chart showing the number of ORFs identified for each gene, based on the results.tsv table.


summary_trees.dir/*FMT (can be png, jpg, svg or pdf depending on the plots_format parameter).
Image files of the phylogenetic trees for each retroviral gene and genus. Different sized circles are used to show the relative size of collapsed monophyletic groups. Newly identified ERVs are highlighted.

Tree files in Newick format for each retroviral gene and genus combining reference and newly identified sequences. Monophyletic groups of newly identified ORF sequences are represented by a single sequence.


Table summarising regions identified containing retrovirus-like ORFs from more than one gene. Columns:

  • name - the final ID of the ERV region - the genes found plus an integer e.g. gag_pol_12

  • chrom - chromosome

  • start - start position of the ERV region

  • end - end position of the ERV region

  • strand - strand of the ERv region

  • genus - genus of the ERV region, can be multiple genera delimted by “|” if different genes had different genera

  • for each gene screened for (usually gag, pol and env)

    • GENE_name - the names of the ORFs for this gene in this region

    • GENE_ID - the original IDs of the ORFs for this gene in this region

    • GENE_start - the start position of this gene in this region (genome co-ordinates)

    • GENE_relative_start - the start position of this gene in this region (relative to the start of the region)

    • GENE_end - the end position of this gene in this region (genome co-ordinates)

    • GENE_relative_end - the end position of this gene in this region (relative to the start of the region)

    • GENE_strand - the strand for this gene in this region

    • GENE_match - the closest reference retrovirus to this gene in this region

    • GENE_group - the group of the closest reference retrovirus to this gene in this region

    • GENE_genus - the genus of the closest reference retrovirus to this gene in this region

  • orig_name - the name of the region in the input table